Wednesday 31 August 2011

Paris - non, je ne regrette rien.

I love France and with Paris being the capital. I recently went on a short trip there and armed with my camera I wanted to photograph everything that was iconic in the beautiful city.

Starting with this picture, the iconic and romantic boulevards were one of the first things I looked for and this one near the river Seine captured my eye.

The BHV, the architecture here is awesome.

The more modern and funky Cartier Latin - the perfect place to get a kebab, and find a Turkish boyfriend(!)

Old meets new in this black and white shot. The metro is definitely the way to go if you want to get anywhere..

 My little brother enjoys a ride around a surprisingly empty street, looking very French as he should.

It's culture, right?

A quick snap shot of the metro as it arrives to take passengers around the beautiful city.

Near Notre Dame I saw lots of buskers including this typically Parisian man who played edited versions of 1950s French classics.
My trip to Paris was a brilliant one - I'm lucky to be near to such a wonderful country!

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